Sunday, June 25, 2006

Today was the bris of Tzvi Yosef Bloom. Mommy and Daddy saw lots of friends that they hadn't seen in a long time (especially Mommy, because it is too hot and far for her to walk to kiddush). She found out that Ayala Friedman is due a few weeks after her. Ayala thinks Mommy is having a girl.

Many of Mommy and Daddy's friends are having boys this summer. Mommy thinks the trend might mean something. Daddy thinks that's the most ridiculous thing Mommy has ever said, so Mommy asked Shoshana, the childbirth teacher, if she believes in trends. She said absolutely - all the births she has attended this summer have been girls! So we shall see...

When asked in an email whether she thought Mango was a boy or a girl (she claims to be able to tell based on belly position), Great-Grandmom said "Based on my vast experience and 50/50 success I would say GIRL. We will all be happy BOY or GIRL!Grandma with love to you, Gil, and Baby"

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