Ami:When we were out visiting friends today, I figured out how to take off my hat. Here is the conversation that ensued.
Mommy: Ami took off his hat! Eliana: Why? Mommy: Because babies like to take off their hats. When you were a baby you liked to take off your hat. Eliana: I a baby now.[takes off her hat]
Ami:Mommy says it's time I learned to STTN (sleep through the night). See Eliana's post on the same subject.
Mommy is trying to Ferberize me. I don't like the sound of that. For now she's just trying to teach me to get to sleep on my own, without being "potched" (patted on the tush). If I cave in to that it can only get worse, so I'd better not fall for any of her tricks.
Up until recently, I was a full-time stay-at-home mom. Now I'm juggling three other jobs and trying to remember that the job I'm not paid for isn't just the most challenging - it's the most important and also the most rewarding!