Sunday, November 9, 2008

School Days

When Daddy picked me up from school today, Morah Andrea told him that I ALWAYS put my hat on before we go outside to play, and I sometimes get my sunscreen too. I also always remember my hat when it's time to go home.

When I got home I sat down to eat with Mommy and she asked me about my day. I told her that I read books and played Yogos (Legos) with Mimi, played cars with Ezra, and sat next to Morah Hannah at lunch and ate carrots. And Morah Hannah is also the one that changes my diaper. Then I told her that when we got home Daddy and I saw our neighbors Lily and Osnat. Mommy was SO happy to hear all about my day! By the look in my eyes she could tell I was really concentrating and trying to remember things.

Here are some pictures of me on the way to school last week. Sometimes I agree to walk a little when Mommy is wearing Ami. But usually I insist on being carried, or at least riding in the stroller.

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